Friday, February 19, 2016

Kid Bloggin' Friday

Hey everyone! I hope you are as excited about this nice weather as we are! I also hope you are in a place that is getting a break in the cold where you get to enjoy this nice weather. Today the kids are taking over the blog!

Writing is when we write. We need to write nice. We get paper to write on. We write friendly letters in writing. We do writing at 2:40.

Sometimes we eat pizza pot pie. You tack a pot pie. we make pizza. We git to pick our food sometimes. we like pizza pot pie

We have desidid to do dirt. At dirt we all read. We swich out are books an Wensday. We get new books. We do it evary day. We love dirt. We do dirt on the and uf the day.

The things we do for indoor rececess are games. We play any game we want. We play Race To The Tresure. Another game is Ants In The Pants. We play with blocks. We do indoor reccess when we can't go out side. One of the games is Hoot Owl Hoot.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Hey all! Today I am presenting at the Little Apple Tech Fest put on our school district. For my presentation I explained some blogger basics as well as blogging tips. I then tasked my session participants with creating this post in groups, partners, or individually. They had to post about something they've learned, something they are looking forward to, or some piece of tech to share.. Here goes!

We learned how to start our own classroom blogs.  It is important to watermark pics to link back to your blog and also to go get parent permission to post.  We are excited to start teaching our students how to become bloggers!

Hi Friends!
Blogging as a classroom community connection is AMAZING!!  Kids + Teacher = Parental Involvement!  :)

Interested Educators! Little Apple Tech Fest is a great way for educators to engage in learning. Ms. Messick is successful at sharing the blogging process with educators!!  Lets Go Blog!! 

Today we've learned a lot so far! We learned the basics of how to make a blog. We need to come up with a creative title and then just learn as we go...

Today we learned about Blogging. The first step is to decide your purpose. Step number two, get parent permission. The third step is to figure out how to get students involved. Can't wait to create my own and get parents and students alike excited about my class!!

The great thing about blogging is it allows for flexibility. It gives both individuals and groups a voice and allows everyone to be part of the action. Remember to make it interesting, fun, and label as you go along.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! We have wonderful & exciting news. Today we were introduced to a fun site called Blogger. This site will help bring students together to work on their social skills through blogging & photographs. We look forward to blogging with our students. Check on us when you can!

How great did they do?!?!?! I am so glad to see so many educators interested in blogging. I can't wait to follow the blogs they will create!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kid Bloggin' Wednesday: A Fast Post

Hi all! Today we took a vote on activities to finish our day. Some of our class is doing DIRT (where we read to ourselves) and some of us are working on the blog!

We decided to write about Jeopardy! Jeopardy is where we have different options to do stuff. Jeopardy is fun. Jeopardy is where we do math, reading, and writing, and shapes, and class activities. One of the options are class and we some times have to group up and do partners on it.

We finished Jeopardy today! That means we got to our Final Jeopardy. Because it is the end of the day, we have to do it on Tuesday. Our final Jeopardy asks us to talk to other teachers about our Jeopardy game. We have to get them to come to our classroom and say pineapple. We are so excited to do this on Tuesday.

We hope you have a good Valentine's Day!